Wind In My (short) Hair

Today I tagged along with my owners' owner to see what it is he does when he leaves the house with that scrawny tubey horse-thing. I can tell you it was HOT and no one put out a bowl of water. They wouldn't even turn on a hose for me to run through.

Here's me trying out one of these contrapations. I think I need to lower it about an inch.

Hmm... here's another picture of what looks like me, but it CAN'T be. I would NEVER do what it looks like I'm doing in that picture. I must have a STUNT DOUBLE!

My owners' owner hopped on one of these things and disappeared for what seems like more than an hour! He finally came back and we went home. CAN YOU GUESS WHERE I WAS?


Lydia Netzer said...

Benny: "At a bike race!!!!!"

The children are shocked (and gleeful) about that second picture.

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