Back in Hampton Roads

After my long trip yesterday, I needed a break. A good break, too. Not one of those lousy breaks where I just sit around the house all day. I headed east and didn't stop until I smelled Coppertone.

I don't know what it is, but something about this place makes me act like a bully. The problem is I'm too small to be an effective bully. I try to act mean and terrifying but end up getting chased with shovels or umbrellas. Or brooms.

Today, I'm going to guess where YOU are! I think you are... um... in the dining room. DID I WIN?!

Obama Lives HERE?

Today I visited a big city because Norfolk was beginning to feel a little cramped. I needed excitement! I needed lots of people (and traffic)! But more than anything, I needed to play around in some bark in a new place. That's exactly what I found in this place. Lots of people bustling about. Some looked like they were from Indiana (hint: I'm not in Indiana) and a few hundred or so looked like they were from every other state in the union. Here's me frolicking in the bark. Check out the weird buildings in this place.

Now here's something interesting. I found this giant, stone carrot sticking OUT of the ground instead of IN the ground. Talk about strange, eh? I tried to get a National Park Ranger to play fetch with me, but he couldn't lift the pointy stick. He got really mad and chased me away with a BROOM! Can you imagine being chased with a broom? I bet he doesn't treat the President like that. I bet he doesn't treat the ice cream man like that, either. Mmm... ice cream.

That's enough of... can you guess? There was lots of other stuff to do, but I was ready for a nap and I had a long drive ahead of me in my Hominator-inator.

The Big Can O' Tuna

This morning, I woke up, ate breakfast and then took a nap. While napping, I had a dream where I was chasing a giant tuna fish while carrying a bottle of tartar sauce and a fork. I woke up hungry for a fishwich, but I don't know where to get one or even what that is.

So I set out on an adventure to find my dream lunch. After checking a bank and the local library (if you go, don't eat the books - they hate that), I decided such a lunch did not exist. Until I found THIS little beauty:

Well, I thought I would find a fishwich. Instead I got sick. All over someone's shoes. Can you guess where I was?!

Mmmm... fishwi... OH NO! I'M GOING TO BE SICK AGAIN!!

Wind In My (short) Hair

Today I tagged along with my owners' owner to see what it is he does when he leaves the house with that scrawny tubey horse-thing. I can tell you it was HOT and no one put out a bowl of water. They wouldn't even turn on a hose for me to run through.

Here's me trying out one of these contrapations. I think I need to lower it about an inch.

Hmm... here's another picture of what looks like me, but it CAN'T be. I would NEVER do what it looks like I'm doing in that picture. I must have a STUNT DOUBLE!

My owners' owner hopped on one of these things and disappeared for what seems like more than an hour! He finally came back and we went home. CAN YOU GUESS WHERE I WAS?

Hola! Soy Chi-Chi!

Hi! My name is Chi-Chi the chihuahua! When my owners and I were playing, I found a GREAT hiding spot. But when my owners went on vacation, I was hiding in my spot and got left behind!

To pass the time until they return to me, I will visit all the places around here that remind me of them. See if you can guess where I am!