Lousy Road Trips & Tomatoes

Since my trip to Chihuahua-eating Land Serpent-ville, I haven't been anywhere you'd recognize so I won't make you play the "Where's Chi-Chi game" today. Instaed, I'm going to show you what I've been subjected to over the past few days so you can see how I'm being tortured.

Here's me in the car.

Here's me messing with The Man's radio. I can't stand that English-speaking radio he listens to.

After driving for a hundred hours, I found myself in Roanoke, Virginia. It's as far west as Massanutten, but much further south. Very mountainy. It's a good thing I'm a climbing chihuahua. This is the hill that these humans were riding up on their bicycles. If you look carefully, you can see the giant star at the top. You may have to click on the picture to make it bigger.

This is me at the top of the mountain, standing in front of that star. I made a wish and then pushed it over. My wish didn't come true, though. I'M STILL HERE!!!

And NOW, to make things even worse, the Tour de France is on TV. So I have to look at bicycles all day, then go back to the hotel and watch MORE BICYCLES!! Here's me watching more bicycles:

Before I left for ROW-AH-NOKE, I tried to hide in the tomato plants. That's when I noticed some of your tomatoes are turning RED! In these pictures, the red arrows point to the red tomatoes. It's a good thing tomatoes aren't purple because I can't make purple arrows.

That's all. Tomorrow I go back to Norfolk and can go to FUN places. Then we can play the "Where's Chi-Chi" game again. As they say in Mexico (where I'm from), "Dasvidaniya!" Down there, that's TWO vidaniyas!

There's A Fungus Among Us!

Today, I went out looking for molds, mushrooms and mermaids. Guess which one I found? Here's a hint: it's by my feet.

You might have noticed that giant THING behind me in that picture. At the time, I wasn't sure what it was, but had a hunch it was the Chihuahua-eating Land Serpent. Every once in awhile, the eating part would come crashing through, making me hide. Can you find me? The Chihuahua-eating Land Serpent couldn't, thank goodness.

Turns out it was nothing to be afraid of. In fact, I got SUPER close to it FOUR times. Then I got sick. Just like the day I went looking for a fishwich. Can you guess where I was?